My photo
I'm just your typical divorcee, grad student, single mother of two who wants to A) gripe about shit B) make people read it C) magically lose weight and pin down prince charming while doing it. I'm hysterical and melodramatic -- and you know you like it!

Tuesday, December 21, 2010


Welcome to my new Bikini-a-Day program:  a tool to help me see myself properly and motivate me to stick with my health and fitness goals for life.  I've got the rest of my life to look hawt, so let's start now!  How it works -- I put on a bikini and snap a pic every single morning, it's as simple as that!  Thing is, even when I was thinner than now, I hid out in one piece suits.  I thought I was too fat.  Funnily enough, after this morning's shoot, I figured out that me 15 pounds heavier is not so bad!  A few lines about what I see in these pics versus what I see in the mirror while I hide out in my closet.  In the mirror I zero in on a tiny area of me and criticize it until I feel I must cover it up!  In these photos, my eye embraces my whole physical self.  And you know what I see?  I see a girl who might be 15 lbs heavier, but who still has muscle, vibrance and sex appeal.  When I look at these I also think -- you know what, I can definitely wear bikinis at the pool.  No more waiting until I'm that elusive perfect weight!  So girls, I suggest no matter what weight you are, take a snap shot of yourself in your favourite sexy outfit (be it a dress, bathing suit, lingerie or whatever) and be proud now.  Reveal yourself to yourself -- it can only help you to see yourself properly and to commit to take more care of the amazing, sexy you.  The photo below will start my new Bikini-a-Day page, where I hope to post pics most days. 

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