My photo
I'm just your typical divorcee, grad student, single mother of two who wants to A) gripe about shit B) make people read it C) magically lose weight and pin down prince charming while doing it. I'm hysterical and melodramatic -- and you know you like it!

Bikini-a-Day: make that Bikini-a-Whenever *@$%!

Welcome to my new Bikini-a-Day program:  a tool to help me see myself properly and motivate me to stick with my health and blahblahblah (insert being devastatingly and agelessly sexy) goals for life.  How it works -- I put on a bikini and snap a pic ( every single morning, regularly, whenever I feel up to it) every whenever (updated April 17th after gaining more weight for love) and post it, it's as simple as that.  Join me in a revolution of owning the be all and end all of female fitness goals in the now...

December 21st 2010

December 22nd 2010

December 23rd 2010
Promise to get a real camera in new year -- oh, and figure out lighting...
December 26th 2010: the black widow in "I just kicked my boyfriend out and I want him back and perfect!"