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I'm just your typical divorcee, grad student, single mother of two who wants to A) gripe about shit B) make people read it C) magically lose weight and pin down prince charming while doing it. I'm hysterical and melodramatic -- and you know you like it!

Monday, November 15, 2010

Morning after the orgy

nighttime often brings with it profound and passionate epiphanies about the nature of my relationship with my significant other -- this often leads to me epiphanying all over his head.  not with physical blows mind you, but with explosions of pent up frustration that increase the number of chasms between us.  it is almost always a secret attack, and he is left wordless and confused. 

my questions is this: how do i feel now on the morning after?  do i feel satisfied, victorious, bereft?  i am not certain i feel any of these extremes today.  i think i still feel frustrated, only with less intensity because the light of day is shining in upon me, and i have planned activities for the next 12 plus hours.  it's not yet time for me to shudder at the thought of looming hours of vulnerable REM sleep, in which i relive all the stresses of my life in half-sane exaggerated detail.  sleep is no refuge for me. 

and what of his interpretation of these nighttime scourges -- they cause him to oversleep the next day.  he has a talent for dreams.  i don't think we share epiphanies, we share habits and old wishes for a future we moulted a long time ago.

in my safe, waking hours, i dream of a new collective skin: my epiphanies knit with his dreams.  the comingling of our anonymous thought.

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